ALIM Web Help

Window Layout

The ALIM Web window is divided into three main sections:

  • Navigation pane
  • Menu bar
  • Content pane

For example,

Tip: You can use the vertical border between the Navigation and Content pane to resize either pane.

Navigation Pane

From the Navigation Pane, you can select actions pertaining to Basket, Bulk import/export, Distribution, Explorer, Favorites, File plans, Locations, Manufacturers, Plant Assembly, ProjectWise, Publisher, and Work exchange.

Menu Bar

The Menu Bar allows for quick access to Help, Scope, Basket, Search, Person, and Settings.

Content Pane

When you select the Home icon ( ), the Content pane displays various home page cards, such as the Recent objects, Work Items, Create new , References, and Announcements cards. For example,

The Recent card displays your ten most recently accessed objects (excluding work-related objects), in chronological order. The Work Items card displays if you have at least one accepted Work In Progress task. It displays the ten most recently accessed tasks. ALIM Web determines what is displayed, depending on the following: If no subject object is associated, then the task icon, work task description, and the subjects Number - Middle (Rev) - Title appears. If more than one subject object is associated, then the task icon, work task description (including a count of the number of subject objects), and then workflow parent code and name appears. A link to the Work Exchange navigator also appears.

Note: These objects are stored in your browser's cache, therefore if you use a different browser or clear your cache, this list will differ from one browser session to another.

The References card is configurable and can display links internal or external to ALIM Web.

Administrators can use the Announcements card to create real-time announcements for users.

For more details about managing home page cards, see Configuring Home Page Cards on the Content Pane.

When viewing a document object in the Content pane, you can switch between the Details, Structure, and History default views of a document in the Content pane by selecting their respective tabs, for example,

The ALIM Web layout editor allows these information layout sections to be changed.

The Object menu appears to the right of the Content pane on an object's page. It provides access to context-sensitive activities related to the current object. For example, the following object menu appears for a document:

Note: The Object menu is not always visible. If only a few tasks are available in the context of what you are displaying, their hyperlinks may be displayed at the top of the Content pane, in lieu of the Object menu.
The Work Order menu appears to the right of the Content pane, when a work order is displayed. Available options depend on the status of the work order. For example,
The Work Task menu appears to the right of the Content pane, when a work task is displayed. This menu allows you to change the state of a work task, as well as view the task in the workflow, for example. Available options depend on the status of the work task. For example,